Did I forget how to write in Swedish? 

I just got some kind of whim and decided to fix the design on here, so I thought why not update my blog a bit while I'm at it? Anyhow, I haven't done anything too remarkable with the design. I've only used one of blogg.se's standard templates and edited it a bit. I changed the background, added some cute icons (have you seen the elephant next to the 'comments'-link?), made a picture for my sidebar and I also made a header-ish thing (which is  unbelievably cute if i may say so myself).
It's sure been a while since I last wrote something on here and I doubt that I will everv start blogging regularly again. But who knows? I might write an entry every now and then. We'll see.
About the English... I started typing this entry in Swedish but I got stuck, so I tried typing it in English instead and it actually went easier. Weird, isn't it? I'm not saying that I've forgotten how to write in Swedish though. It's just that I'm not very used to it anymore. It doesn't feel as natural as typing in English, if that makes sense. It's probably because I rarely type or read anything in Swedish nowadays. The only time I do is in my Swedish classes which I only have three times a week. As for English however, I both read and write it almost constantly. Like whenever I'm browsing the internet or watching anime or doing pretty much anything else. 
Okay, this should be more than enough for an entry, right? I'll leave it at this then. Bye~  (。・ω・)ノ゙


You are back! :D

Svar: I am :D Kind of, at least haha. ^^
Jenny Mattsson

2012-11-02 @ 10:16:43
URL: http://feiheinestam.se

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